Tuesday, July 05, 2005

This way to the Hall of Douchebags

Via Musicthing... link to "An alarming archive of awful band photos."


manny said...

While your song does not particularly "rock" in terms of the guys in this photo, it rocks on so many other levels (often simultaneously) I want to hear it in its entirety. Surprisingly good vocals, aurally and lyrically and I dig the moogish digressions. You surprise me (but not so much), keep me young, aggressive, taut for action and, above all, competetive.

Much 3-day beard love

Anonymous said...

matt, it's elyse. i looked at some of the other photos on the Hall of Douchebags site....

and found a pic of people I ACTUALLY KNOW!

awful. i hope they're embarrassed. thanks for bringing it to my attention.