I like when people put something out in the world that means something to them. I like it when they do it only because it means something to them. They do it not because it will aggrandize* (*embiggen) them, but because, hey, here with the going there and waking up sometimes late or sometimes with no place to be, always flush with cash and slick with slit or almost as oft skint and friendless queued up so's to wait for the next do-right to jump the line or line-jumping for ghastly utopian principles that will pay their dividends not in grudges but in pure cash money future for all babes, puppies, and bumblebees kind of world we live in, for some people life just ain't so simple that it's all about constant self-PR work. I like reading something someone wrote that was uncensored and unfiltered from inception to inscription because it was a thought. I like it when someone is so surprised that they have learned something from life that they just say it. I like when this kind of thing surprises someone else, and suddenly two people have a reason to support each other. I like when people can make lasting friends whose acquaintance is valuable beyond expiry and beyond cheap commodity just because of the way one has of batting an eye after their particular fashion in the opinion of another. I like it when people come out of their ruse-goldberg contraptions and show you who they are un-self-consciously, uncalculatingly.
I guess I should get to what prompted me to write this.
I like The Life Pursuit.
I like that when I listen to this record I want to spout about sincerity.
"The Life Pursuit" (Belle & Sebastian)
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