Sunday, February 26, 2006

Meet the Band

You can stand next to the people you may like to be.

Will this change anyone?

A simple equation will tell us.



Clearly, all the results are likely to be mixed, but can be counted on to lean heavily toward confused inner turmoil whilst dressed in suits or outward displays of obvious identity issues.

Who is this guy?

Yeah, it happens to some of the best of us, I guess- putting us out of the running for that select group of people who would simply be "the best of us," the qualifying term "some" mercifully absent from the prologues to their terms of vaguest grouping. Bacchanalia is good for putting yourself outside of the things, the Catholicism, the morbid pasts, the unwhole and unwholesome reflections that revisit from time to time, hiccup memories of a different self set to chastise the current, worldly you in quiet moments when the hive-mind connection isn't being used for downloading porn, loving someone, moving forward. But bacchanalia is a medium, set in place millions of years ago by the ur-cells when they were still thinking about getting together with these "mitochondrian" guys, still considering a strategic alliance to assert their permanent physicality in contradistinction to the spiritual world they were the pumping and oozing self-reflections of. Forgetfulness...
Oh, Lethe.
Step outside yourself and move ahead, but the important step you eventually cut the corners from (speed and sleek achievement of desired effect; as above, so in the corporeal below- remember the cellular dream imperative!): Remember to bring yourself along.

I have left hundreds of impressions on people, I have spoken from my soul over and over as a reflex, but the words press out ahead of my bread-crumb man who sits soaking up the leavings of his yeast brothers somewhere behind the tight column of meanings faster than the light that sighs forward in a free rage from the headlights of the rented automobile we escape in.

I am forgetting things, or people are remembering the parts of me they know are important for me, while I remember only the parts of myself that know where to find my next drink.

Was it in summer of 2004? Who is this man and what is he thinking about? What conclusions did he come to, what thunderclaps did he cleave the virgin souls of the assembled with when he broke his reverie and decided it was time to speak?


It becomes so frighteningly easy, as I become older, to internalize the lack of regard I think others must have for me... no one's listening, and I just have all these sermons on the mount to pass my time discarding. An unremembering shell that my words continue to echo out of in search of new bodies, new lives.

Oh, memory. Will you help me to remember, once in awhile, to stop and talk to myself?

Friday, February 24, 2006

Thursday, February 23, 2006

When It Means Something to People

I like when people put something out in the world that means something to them. I like it when they do it only because it means something to them. They do it not because it will aggrandize* (*embiggen) them, but because, hey, here with the going there and waking up sometimes late or sometimes with no place to be, always flush with cash and slick with slit or almost as oft skint and friendless queued up so's to wait for the next do-right to jump the line or line-jumping for ghastly utopian principles that will pay their dividends not in grudges but in pure cash money future for all babes, puppies, and bumblebees kind of world we live in, for some people life just ain't so simple that it's all about constant self-PR work. I like reading something someone wrote that was uncensored and unfiltered from inception to inscription because it was a thought. I like it when someone is so surprised that they have learned something from life that they just say it. I like when this kind of thing surprises someone else, and suddenly two people have a reason to support each other. I like when people can make lasting friends whose acquaintance is valuable beyond expiry and beyond cheap commodity just because of the way one has of batting an eye after their particular fashion in the opinion of another. I like it when people come out of their ruse-goldberg contraptions and show you who they are un-self-consciously, uncalculatingly.

I guess I should get to what prompted me to write this.
I like The Life Pursuit.
I like that when I listen to this record I want to spout about sincerity.

"The Life Pursuit" (Belle & Sebastian)

Thursday, February 09, 2006


The new Prefuse 73 cd, "Security Screenings", has a cover remarkably similar to the old Coil cd, "Love's Secret Domain".

Just saying.

Compare for yourselves:


B000Cqo0Ye.01. Sclzzzzzzz

Man. Funny how a little trick of meshing neurons will get you back into music you haven't listened to in years. That is all.

We pillory the fading, terminal impulses of the day, for if we shouldn't postpone them once and for all, at the very least we stretch them out that much longer.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Terminator T9 Wants Me to Say "Hangover Home"

Hangover home, exclamation point, it's what my Fighters stick it out, poking tiny buttons better suited for speaking in math (thansk, Rajiohdea), but did I saw taht?

I cunt mean ot.

won't anything come out right again? The tech has its own designs, but whose were they first?

And what will it have me say next?

Friday, February 03, 2006

Rain, My Spending Habits

It's raining this morning in New York. It's early February, and it doesn't look like it's getting cold anytime soon. I used to reassure myself that the climactic change wasn't really happening- it always seemed like the cold bit of winter had just been pushed a month or so further into the year. This year, however, the doomsayers are are attractive to me like a middle-aged fellow's crises-beset divorcee's genuflection at the altar of fresh nubility is to him.
That's right. I am tempted to believe THE END IS NEAR as much as that balding guy who just split with his wife wants to give a girl in high school his wife's cold sores.
Rain is shitty. But, so are the sidewalks, so I guess we need some.

I had a refund for some stuff on Amazon I got to use yesterday- replaced a borrowed book with a nice library copy, hardcover with dust jacket. Got the yet-to-be-released Belle and Sebastian, a new Polysics record (I have Neu! and For Young Electric Pop, but I think FYEP was released under a different title in the states). I also got "Musique Automatique" (Stereo Total)
by Stereo Total, because I couldn't think of anything else to get.

-Craig Finn from The Hold Steady does a cameo on a P.O.S. (Minneapolis Hip-Hop) song.
-Egon Schiele exhibition at Neue Gallery is really good.
-currently reading Innocents Abroad by Twain.

-There is a new Morrissey track leaked
-There is a new Sufjan Stevens track leaked

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Definition: BEDIZENED

From the OED- "Dressed up with vulgar finery."